Pharmaceutical processing and manufacturing equipment needs to be efficient, safe, and in line with worldwide health regulations. Discover the latest  pharmaceutical innovations at the PPMA Show.

Why is pharmaceutical processing important?

In a highly competitive and regulated industry like pharmaceuticals, creativity in production and packaging offers a solid platform for growth.

The pharmaceuticals industry continuously explores exciting new concepts in production, manufacturing, and packaging solutions to create a stand-out impression while ensuring product safety and security.

New technology has led the way in drug delivery formats. With accurate unit-dosed blister packs, electronic wearable injectors, and other new practical systems to ensure security, safety, and traceability, now is the time to explore the opportunities that new technology can offer.

Pharmaceutical packaging and equipment



Why come to the PPMA Show for pharmaceutical processing?

Attending the PPMA Show gives you the chance to:

Discover the latest in pharmaceutical processing and technology

Understanding, exploring, and innovating are always a theme of the show. Visitors can:

  • See the latest medicine capsule and tablet processing technology
  • Learn about pharma cleaning and handling machinery
  • Identify innovations in homogenisers, spherodisers and coaters
  • Find out new methods for milling and agitation

Learn about pharmaceutical insights and technologies

Visitors can see how advanced technologies can guarantee safety and make products stand out in a crowded market. They can review developments in accurate dosing and discover solutions to preserve and extend shelf-life.

  • Find up-to-date materials, containers and delivery concepts
  • See how advanced technologies improve safety and help products stand out
  • Review developments in accurate dosing, preservation and shelflife

Network with industry professionals

Make connections and meet some of the biggest names in the pharmaceutical industry. This gives you the opportunity to discuss industry news and secrets with like-minded professionals.

Book your place today

Whether you’re looking to visit or exhibit, the PPMA Show is a fantastic opportunity for professionals of all industries to converse and connect. Apply for your spot today.